Felicity’s Top 10 Recommended Anime List— 2021

Hi! Momma Felicity is BACK, better than ever— —and back from almost a year of posting no new content! Between family life, school, getting a new job, and friends, I’ve been in the middle of trying to figure out how to balance everything. That means my personal hobbies (like writing and posting blog content) has... Continue Reading →

Death Note Theory 2: L IS ALIVE!

Hey guys! We're back again with an update to the original Death Note theory I had written before. Let's jump right in, and spill some sugary tea- just the way L likes it.   Why the update??? Someone awesome named Josie Lou in my comment section connected a few dots, and added to my base theory in... Continue Reading →

Artists, Don’t Draw Anime or Manga!

Now before you come pelting me with your stabby accusations and unkind names in the comment section for my clickbait-y title, stay tuned for the whole post. I'm going to be delving into two sides of this debate: The hobby side, and the professional side. I think there are two underlying problems here... Even though... Continue Reading →

Horrid Hisoka- Original Track

For those of you who haven't watched a lot of anime, haven't read my anime posts, or just don't know Hunter X Hunter in particular- Hisoka is my favorite character from Hunter X Hunter and possibly one of my favorite characters of all time. Anime or otherwise.     He's so darn interesting and entertaining... Continue Reading →

Why I Like Anime pt. 2

Woooo, look at me! I'm making another post because I've decided that 6 likes and 3 posts were enough to bring this post back. That, and I've checked a few animes off the "must watch" list, and added them to the "just watched" list. So on that note, let's dive back into this fun little... Continue Reading →

Anime Day- Why I like Anime

This is going to be a little unlike the usual posts I make. Instead of the self-help type of posts, I'm going to be explaining why I- someone who formerly disliked anime- switched my opinion and found myself falling in love head-over-heels so quickly with the genre. I'm also going to be elaborating a tad... Continue Reading →

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